Monday, May 17, 2021

Prayer to Saint Anthony

when I was a kid at Our Lady of Lourdes I remember there were times when someone lost something and we would gather and say the Prayer to St. Anthony

St. Anthony...
St. Anthony...

Please come around... Something is lost and cannot be found

or something to that effect

I can recall being a wide eyed kid trying to ask the teacher how this worked
as a small child it seemed to me that maybe this Saint Anthony guy could pick up what you lost and put it where you were looking?

we all know that there is more light under the street light... 


looking for my wallet
let me say a quick prayer

oh man... Didg is gonna be pretty angry when he learns that he did not have a blogger page...

 But Didg has 2 Instagram accounts
Didg the Dog
and Didgeridoo123