Wednesday, July 12, 2006

reflecting on my past encounters with friend's who had lost a pet

with the passing of my dog roscoe come all sorts of insights and all sorts of reflections
one idea that has been passing through my brain is the long list of people I have encountered in my life who had lost a pet
I play through in my mind all the times I tried to say the right thing at that hurtful time

somehow I thought that I had an idea what they were going through
I had no idea what they were going through
in hindsight
I hope that my words did not offend them
in so many ways I would wish that my words helped them
but in actuality
I would settle for thinking that my words did not offend them

beyond that....
I hope that I was able to listen
less said
more listening
great advice for us all in life
advice to live by in times when dealing with others and their grief


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